CNA at RNTP 2019, 1-3 October 2019

Come and visit CNA at the booth H3-30a at the RNTP, which will take place from October 1st to 3rd in Nantes, and discover our new range of products, our SDK Open Source, our interoperability scheme Hoplink, …

The RNTP exhibition is a major event of  Mobility every two years, which presents the best achievements and latest innovations of 200 exhibitors from all sectors of public transport, rail, road, new mobilities in urban, interurban, regional and national transport.

Our stand will also host the ADCET, the association which promotes the AMC standard for multiservice transactions, improving the lives of citizens and the management of local authorities.

Please mark your agenda!

The 2nd October at 11.00 AM will be presented our range of products with the intervention of Frédéric Sauvayre, France Technical Director at Infineon.

A cocktail will follow this intervention.

Looking forward to seeing you!