Eclipse Keyple

Interoperability and portability of ticketing terminal solutions


The TC Terminal working group, led by CNA, defines the Terminal requirements, interoperability requirements for the different software layers of a ticketing terminal: Reader layer, Calypso layer, and Ticketing layer. When a Calypso card is not supported by a ticket terminal, the most common reason is failure to comply with a terminal requirement.

The TC Terminal’s next objective will be to offer a terminal certification service to verify the support of the terminal requirements.

The first necessary step is to standardize the APIs for the reader and Calypso software layers. The adoption of these standardized interfaces will enable two major benefits to be achieved:

  • already the possibility of certifying terminal requirements.
  • But it will also enable the ‘Calypso layer’ software modules to be ported to any ‘reader layer’ implementation, and the ‘ticketing applications’ to work on any ‘Calypso layer’ implementation. Ticketing applications will be interoperable with different ticketing terminal solutions.

The Terminal APIs’ for the reader and Calypso layers are defined by CNA through UML class diagram models independently of the programming language. The interfaces and user guides are defined directly by CNA within the TC Terminal group. 

CNA also offers specific definitions in Java and C++ of these terminal APIs within the Eclipse Keypop open-source project.

The future terminal requirements certification tool will be able to support any terminal API implementation.

To facilitate the development of ticketing terminals that implement the terminal requirements, CNA has also produced an open-source framework for ticketing terminals: the Eclipse Keyple project.

Keyple implements Keypop’s APIs and offers software modules for the reader and Calypso layers, and much more.

Keyple can integrate any smart card reader solution through a plug-in interface. Any embedded or distributed terminal architecture can be supported by Keyple.

Keyple Demo

3 demos have been developed by CNA :

  • Remote reload service
  • Validation
  • Control

These demos are open source projects provided by Calypso Networks Association, you can adapt the demo for your own cards, terminals, projects, etc.

These demos are working with the cards provided in the test kit.


Introduction to Keyple eBook: “Blueprint for a Smarter Future”

Keyple is a simple and universal tool (sometimes known as a Software Development Kit – SDK) for technology developers in the transport ticketing community. It is used as a framework to help them innovate, create and deliver advanced contactless ticketing software for use in terminals.

As an open, dynamic tool readily accessible to developers, Keyple enables low-cost development of advanced ticketing systems similar to ‘plug-and-play’ while freeing them from proprietary constraints.

This eBook provides a summary of Keyple, what it is, who it benefits and why it is an important for all members of the ticketing community.

Keyple brochure

Discover our simple brochure for an introduction to Eclipse Keyple.

Keyple captures decades of technical transport ticketing experience to help make visions of advanced, joined-up ticketing ecosystems a reality for all.

As an open API, Keyple facilitates the development of low-cost, advanced, compliant smart ticketing software for terminals to help the ticketing community evolve freely and implement solutions without proprietary constraints.

Eclipse Keyple remote reload demo

This demo is a client/server demonstration of Eclipse Keyple Distributed Solution feature.

This demo shows how to easily reload a contract (Season Pass and/or Multi-trip ticket) on a Calypso card using the Eclipse Keyple components. And also to initialize the Calypso card for use by the Keyple demos.

It implements the Keyple Plugin Android NFC | Eclipse Keyple for use with contactless cards.

The source code and APK for several solutions are available HERE.

Keyple Remote Reload 8
Keyple Remote reload 9

Eclipse Keyple validation demo

This demo shows how to easily validate a contract (Season Pass and/or Multi-trip ticket) written on a cardusing the Eclipse Keyple components.

It embeds several plugins and thus allows to work with several types of card readers:

The source code and APKs for several terminals are available HERE

Eclipse Keyple control demo

This demo shows how to easily control a contract (Season Pass and/or Multi-trip ticket) written on a Calypso card using the Eclipse Keyple components.

It embeds several plugins and thus allows to work with several types of card readers:

The source code and APKs for several terminals are available HERE.