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Document Summary

This document specifies the Calypso Layer requirements.

The requirements are designed to help software developers of the Calypso Layer to manage correctly Calypso cards and SAMs.

The requirements listed in this document are applicable only to Calypso cards and SAMs.

The Calypso Layer shall parse the response of the Select Application command and, if the response matches the Calypso TLV structure, and the Startup Information contains an Application Type different from 00h and FFh, then it will consider that the selected card application is a Calypso card application. For all other card types, the behaviour of the Calypso Layer is not in the scope of the present document.


  • It is the responsibility of the provider of the Calypso Layer to specify which Calypso cards and Calypso SAMs are supported.

  • A Calypso Layer managing Calypso Prime Revision 2 applications shall also manage at least Calypso
    Prime Revision 3.1 applications.

  • In this document “Calypso Prime Revision 3 application” also includes “Calypso HCE application”.

Out of scope

The following feature is not in the scope of the present document:

  • Select Application command (see Reader Layer Requirements).


This document does not intend to be exhaustive. Each project may add its own requirements beyond the ones listed in this document.
SAM-S1 E1, SAM-S1 Dx and CSAM-F are no longer supported by Calypso Networks Association, they are present in this document only to help the Calypso networks still using this type of SAMs to migrate to SAM-C1.

Additional Information

Document Published:

5 May 2023

Document Type:






Calypso Solution:


Calypso Product:

Prime, Light, Basic, HCE, Applet, SAM-C1

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