Recursos da CNA

Calypso Networks Association (CNA) is committed to sharing the key trends and developments impacting the contactless ticketing community.

In addition to our news and blogs, find our key resources below. Keep checking in for the latest updates and sign up to our newsletter here.


Download the CNA Handbook now: our most comprehensive guide yet to Calypso technologies, implementations, governance, engagement, support, and economic impact.

Moving to the Calypso Open Standard for your occasional users: an easy step!

Providing secure, interoperable and functional tickets to your occasional users has never been easier thanks to Calypso Light and Basic. To meet minimum requirements to do the migration and accept Calypso tickets, all you need is:

A TDES key ( Triple Data Encryption Standard key )set deployed in your ticketing terminals
Calypso processing with the APDU (Application Protocol Data Unit) command set

There’s no time consuming process or excessive costs required, and once you meet these requirements you can simply evolve your set up to meet your needs and open the door to the full range of Calypso solutions.

Learn how easy it can be to migrate to Calypso


CALYPSO Case Studies

Calypso Live

Download our eBook, “Calypso Live” to learn more about how Calypso is transforming contactless ticketing for public transport in some of the biggest, most beautiful, and unique cities and regions in the world.

Case Study: SNCF

Read our case study with SNCF to learn how the flexibility and independence of Eclipse Keyple gives it more control of its ticketing system, rather than leaving it at the mercy of proprietary vendors.

Case Study: Mexico City

How do you keep 22 million people moving? With Calypso specifications! Find out how Secretaría de Movilidad de la Ciudad de México invested in innovative and open tools, including Calypso Prime, and transformed the region’s mobility networks.


O sistema de bilhetagem eletrônica de transporte de passageiros a serviço do MaaS

O sistema de bilhetagem eletrônica de transporte de passageiros a serviço do MaaS

A venda de bilhetes de Transporte de Passageiros, além da sua função inicial
de cobrança de receitas de transporte de Passageiros, é agora considerada
o «braço armado» da Mobilidade como um Serviço, o MaaS. A bilhetage
eletrônica de Transporte de Passageiros deve permitir a combinação de
serviços de mobilidade e oferecer aos passageiros uma oferta de transporte
coerente, de ponta a ponta do trajeto e facilmente acessível.

Mas esta novo alvo da bilhetagem eletrônica bilhetagem eletrônica só será
possível com base em sistemas bem concebidos e altamente evolucionais e
escaláveis. Com efeito, este é o grande desafio: com a aceleração contínua
das novas necessidades, ligadas nomeadamente ao MaaS, a exigência de
flexibilidade, notadamente dos sistemas de bilhetagem eletrônica nunca
foi tão elevada. No entanto, a bilhetagem eletrônica, por vezes associada a
sistemas “de prateleira” proprietários, nem sempre é capaz de fornecer as
soluções adequadas para este desafio.

O objetivo deste documento é mostrar que existem regras da arte, boas
práticas, para que um sistema de bilhetagem eletrônica tenha as qualidades e
desempenhos esperados, e que é uma ferramenta nas mãos das Autoridades
Organizadoras do transporte de Passageiros e dos Operadores de Transporte
de Passageiros para desenvolver as suas políticas de mobilidade.

CNA guidelines for tenders

CNA guidelines for tenders

How to open up your ticketing system in calls for tenders?

Guide to drafting tenders for cards, NFC mobile ticketing and terminals based on the Calypso standards.

This document outlines what is required in a call for tenders for contactless cards, NFC mobile ticketing systems and terminals to guarantee compatibility and scalability. A public tender must allow open and fair competition for all manufacturers.

This document has been written in compliance with the principles of French public procurement codes and can therefore be used as a guide to producing calls for tenders.

This document is written by CNA, free of copyright and can be replicated in whole or in part.

MaaS for All: Everyone has a right to ride

MaaS for All: Everyone has a right to ride

Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) aims to connect passengers with integrated public transport options from the first mile to last.
By blending both public and private mobility offerings, transport authorities and operators can create a unified, complementary network based on truly open standards.

At CNA, we know that achieving a common ticketing experience across modes of transport is complex, and currently very fragmented, lacking seamless and reliable integration.

Download this guide to discover the three key steps that transport authorities need to consider, to enable a successful, integrated public transport network that is truly open.


Designed for transportation and multi-application, ready for multi-service and mobile.

Focused on transport, perfect for both media based and account-based ticketing systems.

Contactless paper tickets done right, at the lowest cost.

Open technical standards that enable smart, innovative and secure mobile ticketing for iOS and Android devices.

The only solution offering interoperable ticketing for public transport networks and new mobility services (MaaS) – enabling access for all passengers and reducing costs for operators.

Keyple captures decades of technical transport ticketing experience to help make visions of advanced, joined-up ticketing ecosystems a reality for all.


Member Benefits

CNA training

Training brochure

Certification Brochure

Hoplink brochure

Calypso Live


Calypso specifications, including specifications of all Calypso solutions are available in the Calypso Documentation Library.

Register for extended access. Some documents are available only to CNA Members or with a signed NDA – contact us here for more details.


Download our FAQ: Open and Closed Loop Transit Payments to discover the benefits of the Calypso open standard and to understand its place alongside other ticketing offers.


Calypso-awards 2023

Awards 2023


Awards 2022

Users days 2022


Calypso guidelines are reserved to CNA members and are available in the Calypso Documentation Library.


Access all our Annual Reports to date


Calypso Trademark Policy

Calypso Internal Regulations

CNA A.S.B.L. Statutes

Board of Directors Declaration

Calypso Applet User Licence


To request a high-resolution version of Calypso Networks Association (CNA) logos,please complete the contact form with further details. All usage of the CNA logo must adhere to CNA’s brand policy.