Últimas noticias de Calypso Networks Association

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Transport Ticketing Global 2023 in London

Say hello to us at booth F61 to meet our experts Gianluca Cuzzolin, Ralph Gambetta, Paulo Barreto and Ludovic TEIXEIRA COSTA. Gianluca and Ralph will ...

Added: 07/03/2023

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Learn about the future of ticketing at the 8th Budapest S...

We are living in a world of complex challenges. 2022 highlighted the scale, interconnectivity and consequences of a range of shifting factors includin...

Added: 02/03/2023

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CNA’s guide to tenders

Calypso was created to be developed, maintained and managed by transport authorities and operators who together form the Calypso Networks Association ...

Added: 23/02/2023

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CNA 20th Anniversary: CNA Memories

The origin of RFID An anecdote from Philippe Vappereau, CNA General Manager. In the early 1990s, a European electronic Purse Standardisation Group was...

Added: 10/02/2023

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CNA’s 20th Anniversary Celebrations

The beeper, the Minitel, and the fax. These technologies are 20 years old. However, unlike Calypso, these technologies are significantly outdated or n...

Added: 18/01/2023

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TML tender for the acquisition of 1,260,000 Calypso Prime...

Transportes Metropolitanos de Lisboa (TML) has launched a tender for the acquisition of 1,260,000 Calypso Prime contactless cards to support its role ...

Added: 11/01/2023

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CNA publishes Calypso Live eBook: a round-the-world tour ...

Our new eBook takes you inside some of these deployments. Find out how: Strasbourg deployed Calypso relying on Hoplink for regional and national inter...

Added: 06/12/2022

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HID Global and SEMOVI CDMX revealed as 2022 Calypso Award...

Calypso Networks Association (CNA), which brings together transport operators and authorities to evolve contactless ticketing systems through open sta...

Added: 01/12/2022

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Goodbye from Budapest for another year

This year’s Forum focused on the digitalisation of public transport and urban mobility during the pandemic, looking at how this has irreversibly tra...

Added: 16/06/2022

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