Últimas noticias de Calypso Networks Association

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CNA was at the Mobile World Congress 2019

This year again, we were at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona on the Belgium Pavillon. It was the occasion to present our generic mobile ticketing s...

Added: 14/03/2019

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CNA certification for IDEMIA’s Cosmo Fly

First certification delivered for an EMV Dual Interface payment card using the CNA Java Applet to Idemia with Cosmo Fly This new payment card called C...

Added: 17/02/2019

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Transport Ticketing Global London 2019

The 29 and 30 January 2019, CNA was at TTG London as exhibitor and speaker Thus it was very important for Calypso to be strongly present as the repres...

Added: 07/02/2019

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5th Smart Ticketing and Digital Services Forum – Bu...

SAVE THE DATE 11 & 12 April 2019 in Budapest Sofitel Chain Bridge Hotel In 2019, for the first time, the Forum will encompass an E – Mobility R...

Added: 17/01/2019

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Happy New Year 2019

Major changes and new features for CNA for this new year. Discover the word of the Chairman, Philippe Vappereau Our open source SDK, Eclipse Keyple�...

Added: 08/01/2019

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Low cost, high security: The new Calypso Light Application

Low cost card, high security level: CLAP offers an ideal solution for low-cost and high-volume contactless cards production. For public transport, eve...

Added: 26/10/2018

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First CLAP certification obtained by HID Global

CNA enjoys congratulating HID Global as the first card manufacturer which successfully goes through CLAP certification with its SOMA Atlas CLAP V1. Th...

Added: 30/07/2018

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