( 2 Mo )
Document Summary
This document describes the file structures registered with Calypso Networks Association (CNA) for any kind of Calypso card application.
These file structures are registered to abstract the terminal operation from particular products, and to allow interoperability at the file structure level. It is recommended implementing their processing as
described in the Calypso Terminal Requirements.
It is also possible to use proprietary file structures, not registered by CNA.
The file structure chosen is set in the Calypso card application before or during its Initialization Phase.
The Calypso file structures described in the following sections are the ones registered by CNA at the release date of the present document.
Additional Information
Document Published:
23 Nov 2020
Document Type:
Calypso Solution:
Calypso Product:
Basic, Light, Prime, Hoplink, HCE, Applet